STATEWIDE CITIZENS AUDIT OF BOARDS OF ELECTIONS Addressing Election Reform and Voter Fraud- press conference
Sat, Mar 29th, 2014 5:32:58 pm
STATEWIDE CITIZENS AUDIT OF BOARDS OF ELECTIONS Addressing Election Reform and Voter Fraud- press conference

Findings of the Citizens' Audit of more than 44 boards of elections from the 2012 November 6th Presidential Election were presented at the Ohio Statehouse on Tuesday. The audit was conducted in response to reports that we received in our office in the days leading up to and following the election of last year of suspected voter fraud, problems at polling locations, including voting machines, provisional ballots, voter identity, and irregularities. We thought it only prudent that we would investigate and follow up on these complaints and reports. The project grew in scope throughout the year, but we remained committed to seeing it through, as we received credible information that will be helpful to legislators and the Secretary of State as they seek to address these concerns regarding Ohio's elections process. We presented our findings to the Ohio General Assembly, Secretary of State, Attorney General, and members of the media in a press conference to be held this week, The information that we have collected has come from poll workers, boards of elections, and sworn statements from individuals, detailing a list of problems in the elections of the Nov 6, 2012 Presidential Election in Ohio. As the Ohio legislature considers election reform legislation, the findings of this report will prove to be helpful as they draft meaningful legislation to fix Ohio's election laws. We also submited a list of recommendations, including photo ID requirement, limiting early voting, eliminating Golden Week, and making provisional ballots a different color to eliminate confusion at the polling locations. WE HAVE POSTED OUR REPORTS AND FINDINGS ON THIS WEBSITE. Special note: The audit is ongoing. Additional information will be posted as it is made available. If you have a story that has not been told, please contact our office at 330-887-1922.
CLICK HERE FOR PRESS RELEASE ON CITIZENS' AUDIT! Click Here for sworn statements of Voters and poll workers.
Click here for the report!
video of Tuesday's press conference. SAMPLES OF POLL WORKER PROBLEMS IN SOME OF THE 40 COUNTIES
Video of Mike Griffith's testimony at press conference (polling location coordinator Cuyahoga County)
Video of Doris Durica's testimony (precinct worker Cleveland) - problems with absentee list on Election Day.
Government Accountability and Oversight Committee - Contact to Support H.B. 250 AND H.B. 269 PHOTO ID REQUIREMENT LEGISLATION