Ohio Christian Alliance

Protect Ohio's Vote! Your Action Needed Today.

Voter Photo ID Requirement Discharge Petition - Your Action Needed. Call your State Representative today and urge them to sign the discharge petition that will move HB 269 to the floor for an up or down vote!

Discharge Petition on H.B. 269, Voter Photo ID Requirement

A discharge petition is being circulated by State Rep. Matt Lynch for H.B. 269, Ohio's Voter Photo ID Requirement Bill. The legislation has been in committee for over a year, without a single hearing.  Ohioans want voter photo ID requirement for Ohio's elections. The issue polls consistently at over 70% favorability, and yet the issue has been stalled in committee. 

ACTION ITEM:   Call your state legislator today and urge them to sign the discharge petition on H.B. 269, Ohio's Voter Photo ID Requirement Bill.  Click here to find your legislator.  You can write an email or you can phone.  Please do both. 

Organizing the discharge petition are State Representatives Matt Lynch, John Becker, and John Adams.  Others have agreed to sign the petition. Urge your representative to sign the petition this week to get it to the floor

OCA President Chris Long made the following statement, "We applaud the effort of State Representatives Matt Lynch, John Becker, John Adams and Andy Thompson for leading the charge on voter photo ID requirement in Ohio.  The citizens' audit of boards of election in the aftermath of the 2012 Election made it clear that more needs to be done to stem the growing tide of fraud in Ohio's elections.  Voter photo ID requirement in Ohio will go a long way to protect Ohio's vote from fraud."

This is our next step in adopting voter photo ID requirement for Ohio. Please take time to call your representative and share with family and friends to do the same. 

Thank you. 


  Ohio Christian Alliance is a non-partisan organization dedicated to promoting Judeo-Christian values in American government. Ohio Christian Alliance does not endorse any particular candidate or political party. OCA provides educational materials, including voter guides and scorecards.s.s.

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